
About Us


Moneyrise on a mission to help frontline workers, reach their potential.

In the past decade alone, the advent of the now ubiquitous ride sharing apps and delivery platforms have brought terms such as ‘flexible work’, ‘gig work’, and ‘sharing economy’ into the mainstream.

On-demand task-based work is not new to India – it has always existed in various forms in our large informal economy often operating through word-of-mouth and personal networks.

Now with technology bringing many services to our mobile devices and fingertips, ‘gig platforms’ are meeting existing and new demand, while creating millions of jobs in the areas where they operate.

Yet, despite speedy penetration of the gig economy into specific areas, a comprehensive guide on its potential across all sectors of India’s economy and what needs to be done to unlock it was missing.

We at Moneyrise are trying to unlock the potential of gig economy by offering various financial products and helping them to attain financial freedom.

Contact Us


B1/632, 2nd Floor, Janakpuri
New Delhi - 110058

Working Hours

Mon - Sat: 9AM to 6PM